.. where Ikea goes wild-strawberry-hunting with Saab och Volvo

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

Apparently, there is this other thing better than strawberries – you’re right – wild strawberries! so, with a little planning, we successfully excecuted this idea from couple of weeks back. unfortunately Undu wasn’t there because we could not find him as we set out for the expedition. actually, nobody knows where he was during that time. although i think he was sheeping…

so then, it was up to me and teddies. we set out to explore the wilderness with Volvo in charge:

as i turns out, they have a pretty good nose for wild strawberries! also i found out that wild strawberries are teddies’ number three favorite berries. number two being cowberries and number one – blueberries! well, that’s quite obvious really, just look at their face, hehe. but i have to say, Volvo and Saab eat pretty much everything. like paper for example!
in fact, even on our way i already spotted some, like here for example:

so, before the teddies could find out, i quickly grabbed..

.. and wohoo, it tasted well! :)

so, in no time we managed to hunt down a great spot of wild stawberries! in the fotograf u can see everyone concentrating on this little game we invented in the process. it is called “fun foraging” and it’s very simple – to find and eat as much berries as possible in least amount of time. it is great fun, quite recommended! here’s some fotografs of teddies playing:

->> Volvo jostling his way to the catch..

->> Saab about 1 second before the little red treats are no more.. (u can see Volvo just behind him in the grass!)

->> Volvo now posing for the camera. just for a second really!

->> and here’s everybody sunbathing, totally loaded with strawberries i’m afraid!

it was in fact quite hard to move after such intense and fun game that we had. i think i even stretched my neck a little (it’s ok by now). apparently, Volvo won the game. we agreed with the teddies to have a followup for the hunt soon too. they suggested to go for the blueberries this time and i agreed. im not such great fan of blueberries myself, but i think it will be fun to see Volvo and Saab playing fun foraging again, hehe! what about you, have u played fun foraging? perhaps you have a different name for it – let me know! have fun and cu l8r!

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