miracle just happened!

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

you won’t believe what happened!! we got a package from German Post today!!!!! this was great news, because if you remember i was telling you that me and my friend Sipsik were looking for more Giraffes not long ago. i have to tell u that we had been waiting for 2 months for the Giraffes to arrive that had been sent in March, from Germany. and by then we were pretty sure they were all lost and almost ready to accept that we might not see them again. because, even if you are giraffe, it takes much less then two months to get from Germany to Estonia, i can tell you that. but now, three and half months later – this news!!! so, right away we went to the post office to get the package!

apparently, there was another bag inside the package..

.. and inside the bag – OLAFS!!!!!!

how great is that!?!?! i can tell you – it is AWESOME! this is best news that can happen! [still, if u spot more Olafs anywhere in the world, please do tell me because i’m not sure how long these guys will stay here – will ask later] happy, happy, happy!!

apparently, also a cow came along, hehe! her name is Eddy. a male name, don’t you think? :) but despite the long journey, everybody looks quite fresh too. so far i have found out that until starting their travel they lived in a store called vis-shop.de [no more Olafs there i’m afraid, but u can meet more Eddies and lots of Bonos] and they brought Eddy along for security reasons (she’s got horns, u know).

wohoo! did i tell u already how good this news is? i did, yes, of course. anyways, i will go and have Giraffes meet the rest of my friends here in the house and online. so cu l8r and have fun!!

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