Hello there! It’s me, Ikea
guess where I have been? in Tartu! the second largest town in Estland, the capital of South-Estonia. In fact, I was there for a while, but now I am back here in Kadriorg. But let me tell u what I found out. First, there was The Flood! Have u seen any floods lately? It looks pretty much like this:

But this is not all, i’m afraid. Often, there is also quite a bit of wind which blows you into the water. Lots of it, as u can see. So yes, i got a little bit wet, i’m afraid. And sick too, if u ask me. I was covered with orange spots for the whole week!!
The good news is that it was all a few weeks ago and now much of the water – actually the largest river in Tartu, Emajõgi – has now stepped down a little, so you can sit on the benches. And, the good news is also that it did not take any houses with it, luckily. (except this one very large tree-trunk where a large family of rats lived – they were relocated to the suburbs outside the city, thanks to the flooding, apparently)
Also, my friend Lotte tells me that it is perfectly normal for rivers to flood in the spring. I am still little not sure about that, because it seems more like a mystery, don’t you think? But here’s my plan – I will check it out next spring and let you know! So, until then I have a question – have u seen any floods lately? Have fun and cu l8r!