.. where Ikea recommends Sipsik’s blog

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

guess what? i have been busy! giraffes are very active especially at the start of the new year and i have not had time to make any fotografs. so, instead, let me tell u one gr8 news – it’s a new blog! it’s not mine, it’s my friends’ – Sipsik’s. And it is about cooking. Cooking is almost like cookies, but with lots of more stuff. I don’t like cooking as much, but i like baking cookies, as probably know. Cooking involves baking too, so it’s actually gr8 fun.

So, u can check out the blog here: sipsikkokkab.blogspot.com but i have to tell u it is in Estonian. But that’s ok. If u don’t know Estonian, u can look at pictures – they are gr8 too! or u can use a translator, like me, hehe! My friend Lotte is also gr8 at translation, maybe she can help. In fact i will go and ask what kind of languages she can translate (it’s a lot!). Until then, let me know if u have started any blogs recently? Have fun and cu l8r!


Cookies, my favorites!
Cookies, my favorites – with carrots, seeds and stuff

The Fox and the Polar Bear

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!
guess what!! i have no new fotografs this week, it was raining. so instead, i recommend u visit my friends from UK, the Fox and the Polar Bear (Mrs Polar Bear looks exactly like Angel, except that Angel is male. very interesting, if u ask me..) – they now have a new blog at http://thefoxandthepolarbear.com/blog/ it is grand! because it has gr8 fotografs u know. so check it out. and here’s an old fotograf of me and Angel, for your comparison. have fun and cu l8r!

Post Number 100!!

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

u know, last weekend me and Angel and Undu spent counting the blog posts. and apparently, this is the post number #100!! That’s a lot of posts for a giraffe, like me, don’t you think? so, i just wanted to say two things really:

for one, thank u all for reading! and comments too, says Angel. so thanks for coming, and i hope u can come back here again! also, especially i would like to say hi to all my friends on Twitter and Facebook. like all the Moose and other Giraffes, for example, hehe!

and secondly, if u know other giraffes or animals that have fun blogs or fotografs, please let me know! there are not many giraffes here in Estland, (not even in Zoo, i’m afraid), so i would like to meet everybody on-line. and perhaps i can travel to visit, some day. i like travel a lot, u know!

so, thanks again for stopping, and have fun! also, let me know your fun ideas in comments! tack! cu l8r!