.. where Ikea is making rabbits!

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea! Merry Christmas!

it seems to me it is xmas time! and that only means one thing – Christmas Cookies, jei! This time, it is – of course – rabbits! Because, u know, it’s the favorite animal of my friend, Pipi. Just after giraffes, hehe!

So, making xmas cookies is really really easy. U need pretty much the same things as what u would need for making giraffes. And then, u need the rabbit cookie-cutter! Here’s how it looks like with a few rabbits cut out:


Did u find the rabbit with one ear? It’s because Saab ate one ear!! Here’s some more rabbits, baked:


Can u find the on-eared rabbit here too? What about two ducks? hehe, it’s like puzzle, don’t u think?! Well, here’s a little puzzle for u:


– a rabbit with one ear
– a rabbit without ears
– two ducks
– a rabbit with a banjo
– a rabbit with square sunglasses
– a rabbit with a Peace sign
– a rabbit with a big S
– a rabbit with a beard
– a rabbit with one eye
– a rabbit with three eyes
– a rabbit with bmw sign
– a rabbit from Star Trek
– a bee-looking rabbit
– a rabbit with swimming trunks and suspenders
– a rabbit with Hedgehog from Pesakond

u can also find others, if u want. as u can see, there are lots of small hearts too on this fotograf. my friend Lotte made those. Can u tell, how many are there?
and look, what i also found – the Moomins!


apparently, my friend Sipsik had baked some as I was away taking fotografs of rabbits, hehe! also, i can tell u a secret – my friends Sipsik and Lotte and me, we put the Moomins and the rabbits in little Christmas packages for our other friends! Luckily, we had some rabbits left over too, look:


As u can see, making rabbits is gr8 fun! It seems to me that making rabbits is almost as fun as making giraffes. Or any other Christmas cookies really! Also, the gr8 news is that now we can eat them! The Teddies will especially like this part, hehe. Did u make any Christmas cookies this year? Let me know!

Have fun and Merry Christmas!!

.. where Ikea gets Shaun (Timmy) the Sheep Christmas Sock (shoe)

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

guess what! a gr8 fun thing happened! in fact, when i was shopping with my friend Sipsik, we found THESE!!

as u can see, we bought them. this is for several reasons:
1) they are most fun to walk with, even my friend Leenu says they are nice and fun
2) they are quite warm, especially when walking on the stone floor or outside, like for example balcony
3) they have the shape of my friend Shaun the Sheep. As we found out, they actually have the shape of Shaun’s friend Timmy, but he is even more fun in fact, jei!
4) other things

like for example, at first, we bought them to my friend Undu to go sheeping. they go very well with his sheep costume. but then again, no-one, even the sheep would believe that he is sheep with his sheep-shoes on, so maybe it doesn’t work really well? so instead, i thought of something else i could use them. Although, as u can see, Undu is very much into these sheep-shoes too:

so, this other thing that these shoes are really really good is for Christmas! in fact, these shoes can very well replace the Christmas sock that i have, which has served me quite well. But the bad news is that i don’t have any place to hang this Christmas sock from. So, instead, i could really use this Christmas Shoe (Sheep) instead:

as u can see, i have put the Christmas sock inside it. apparently, this was for testing purposes only and actually u don’t need that. The shoe is quite enough!! Like for example, Santa’s little helpers bought me my favorite oatmeal cookies inside the Sheep-shoe and no sock was present. So it seems to work alright!! gr8 news in fact!
so, as a matter of fact, i need to go and set it up for tomorrow. Until then, let me know if u have set up your Christmas Sock (Shoe) and if so, what have you already got from Santa? let me know in comments!! Have fun and cu l8r!!