.. where Ikea is checking out Tallinn Airport

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

finally finished with making christmas cookies. have to tell you, this year i have probably made the most christmas cookies of any giraffe in the world, hehe. i hope to post the fotografs very soon! or you can go little sneak-peek over here. but in the meantime, i paid a visit to the new Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport, especially the VIP area. as you may have noticed, giraffes are not your regular passengers, but they need some special treatment, therefore they go through vip area, i think. so, what we have here:

behind me you can see planes. currently i am in this area, which is the furthest away from the main building, so for plane- or giraffe-lovers, this is the place to be. if any giraffe is travelling, you’d be the first one to spot it.

somehow this is also the non-schengen area, so hardly any passengers here. i’m waiting they open up a direct route to madagascar, so i could come and enter/leave this way.

now, this is the special treatment i was talking about :) wohooo!

on this fotograf, we can play “spot the giraffe”. i was trying to eat it, but then i realized it’s plastic. hmm.

and now, the VIP room. here’s where presidents, rockstars and giraffes wait for their planes. pretty cozy, i’d have to say. and here is the guest book too. lots of good wishes and other comments. i added mine as well..

so, that’s the new airport in couple of fotos. i saw also some other things, like monstrous luggage sorting machine – it’s big like 100 giraffes – but you can’t fotograf everything in these places, you know, for security reasons. so, welcome to the airport where i usually start my travels and – in case you will not be here for christmas cookies fotografs in time – merry christmas!

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