.. where Ikea meets Moon Rabbit Tik

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

guess what happened! we got a visitor from Space! i don’t know if many of you guessed right from this fotograf:

but it is Tik, a rabbit from the Moon! yes! they have also made a film about that, check it out yourself! The film is called Lotte and the Moonstone Secret – very mysterious title, if u ask me! as you can see, my friend Lotte played in that film also! I like films a lot, u know. Because they start with F, just like Fun! so, that’s how Tik ended up with us – came to visit Lotte and he now maybe staying for a bit longer.
As for myself, i have not seen the movie yet. But my friend Sipsik promised to buy a DVD some day, so it looks promising. But i also have to tell u that i know most of the things that happen in the movie, except the secret part. Here’s me, Lotte and Tik talking about the movie, the plans of travelling back to the Moon and best things to eat:

we figured out that in order to get Tik back to the Moon, we first need to see the Moon. so, this is pretty much the situation at the moment (we are waiting for the moon):

(i just ran to computer to quickly post this) also, sitting on a radiator is a really good thing to do when it is about -30*C outside – like it was last night!! yes, it is quite cold in fact. even for giraffes, like me. and i’m not going to go out with this type of weather, i’m afraid.. so, i’m not sure about this plan of getting Tik back to Moon soon. But that is OK, because we have found out that Tik is quite good at Yatzy, so that’s a good thing. We might even teach him to hide-and-seek, although i have to tell u that most of the good hiding places are very much taken..
well, i guess we will figure something out, because it will be much fun! Until then, let me know if u have met Tik already, or seen the movie? have fun and cu l8r!

.. where a new girl moves in with Ikea

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

guess what happened! like my friend Sipsik said some time ago (she said we may have another friend moving in with us soon) we have now another gr8 friend living with us, in Kadriorg! that’s great news! also, the second best news is that our new friend is a girl! She is a dog and her name is Lotte!

so, we right away we gathered around Lotte to ask some most important questions. u know like – what is your name (Lotte), where are you from (Gadgetville), what is your favorite color (red) and what is your favorite fun thing to do (to invent) and many other very very important questions. but maybe Lotte will blog about her some other time in the future, right now i will leave the other answers a secret, hehe! oh, but did u know, she is actually a movie star!!
so, apparently, Lotte especially likes to invent stuff and she is really smart! that means she is very good at some fun things that we did not know were fun. like for example, Lotte found a Rubik’s Cube that the Teddies had messed up. in fact, it was so messed up that we contemplated taking apart all the color stickers and putting them back together so it would be ok. there was also another alternative put forward by Saab – to eat it. luckily we choose to eat ice-cream instead. as it turns out, even the Teddies cannot mess the cube up so badly that Lotte cannot put it back in the order!! (we tried three times, in fact. we even used the help of my friend Sipsik, she is also very good at messing it up, u know!) so, here’s Lotte teaching me the tricks of the Cube:

apparently, it is very much fun! it seems to me that if i practice alot, i could even get one side together. it will probably be the orange side then, it’s my favorite!
actually there are lots of fun things Lotte knows about, in fact i need to go now because Lotte promised to teach us a little about Judo. i know nothing about it, but it sounds like fun. do you know about Judo? let me know! in the meatime, i will try to go and see if i can go and participate in the running marathon this year! we’ll see. have fun and cu l8r!