.. where Ikea finds a dandelion

Hello there! It’s me, Ikea!

i guess u have been wandering where i have been! well, i have been in two places. stuck and on vacation! yes, we, giraffes also have a vacation sometimes. this was exactly the time. and i can explain about being stuck as well – i was travelling between places, hehe! in fact, i was travelling between so many places that i have lost count of how many places. i can tell u one thing – it was lots of fun!
like for example, this one time i found this nice yellow flower. apparently they are called dandelions! i can tell u that they are not lions, but flowers and they taste all right. the only similar thing with lions is i guess the name. and of course – the color, but i have heard they also turn white after a little while (not the lions – the dandelions), which again makes them not like lions at all. we’ll here it is:

looks quite nice, don’t you think? since i had time, i tried to take a nice fotograf of this dandelion as well. i think it came out quite nice – that’s the fotograf below. what do you think? it was lots of fun taking this fotograf because i did not have any friends with me, except a tripod. tripod is not an animal, but a thing for taking fotografs – if you are curious. So, it took almost all my time to get both me and the flower on the same fotograf. do you know why? because every time i went to the tripod, whole bunch of sheep sneaked up to the dandelion and tried to eat it! EVERY TIME! so, most of the time i was explaining to the sheep *NOT* to eat the dandelion. But it worked just as long i was sitting there, right when i walked up to camera – out of nowhere – new sheep came along, hehe! Not so easy to fotograf dandelions with the hungry sheep sneaking around!
but i did lots of other fun things, while on vacation. i also took some more fotografs, so i will try to post them next time. until then, let me know if u have taken any gr8 fotografs recently? have fun and cu l8r!

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